story time

long ago there was this world filled with dino's
lets make them happy dinos

they lived here and had the time of their life, enjoyed the life here
but then came disaster.
life was erradicated, simple and plain
a few escaped, they knew how to do that you know
some would say they were simple in mind, but fact is that they were more evolved than we now suspect.

they flew away, in the hope to return and enjoy the peace

this world is but a playing ground, and once mature enough one has to fly out to find a new play ground, so the infants can grow up again in innocence and peace.

the problem being was that after the dinos left, others came in and here are the humans
they evolved and grew, huge.

the dinos were at first glad to see a new breed, but then it dawned on them
they were not welcome

the humans claimed to Own this world
but no one can be sure, cause the dinos say the same.

on diplomatic terms they decided that no wars would be fought on earth
but out side this blue wonder, it is hell
there were agrements that no one should interfere with human development
but soon it came clear neighter upheld their word with actions.
both lied, and no one can tell who did what first.
those accusations should stop any way.

both act immature as far as i am concerned.

but one can thus imagine the dinos recentment about the human "invaders"
(i quote the word because i do not know the exact facts, and wish disrespect to wards both fractions)
and when the humans started to use oil based economies this was the last drop
dinos have a taste for humans, they taste like chickens...
chickens being the end result of evolution gone bad for dinos...
figure that one out will you ?
still no open hostilities.
but humanity still remains to live of the dead dinos, which to them should be no more than
disrespecting their ancestors.
think about it ?
would you build homes from the bones of the dead humans ?
that would be considered disrespectfull would it not ?

any way, they have their cold war outside our atmosphere
and would it hurt to be neutral ?

there is a big issue on this whole thing.
cause it is said that dinos still dwell beneath the surface
one can never be sure can we ?

i for one have always regretted that my tail was stolen from me at birth.
my eye was taken and humanity withheld my natural growth.
and yes i could eat any one of you.

i have seen with my own eyes the dinos ofspring
just like humans, ignorent
blind to the wars and pain and suffering
just like the humans outside
who have their heads in the clouds thinking so much of them selfs
playing along in this propaganda fuck.

for i thought of this longer than i can think back
this again is the result of stupid human interferrence in development

the world is changing, so am i

people want me to change and be passifistic.
well let me tell you some thing stupid human !
when was the last time i did you a favour ?
and when did it involve a nice gesture ?
hell you called me for my skills
not my friendly face !
don't try to change me into something i am not !

besides, there is a point to which we all should come
we need to get ahead of ourselfs
and let this moment go by without animosity

put down the weapons and sit and talk
forget the past for a brief moment and settle this problem we are facing
i know excactly what it is that is important to you
and you might know that the same goes for me
and the dinos born and grown here
we all have a part gaia spirit, and in that we all have to evolve
you warring us is to prevent our evolution.
well if you should want to continue that, so be it
but think of this
when we evolve along side the humans
would that not make us brothers ?
and can we not go through that ?
and i know you would go back at me and call in able and cain
and yes that would be likely
but then again, if we can go peacefully cooperating through this phase
that would be far different from the previous brothers.
they did not get born equal.
this time it would and if the peace holds, it holds.

never could i give garrantees, and nor will i give it this time
cause it is foolish to believe me
but if one would trust and check the track record
one could see something remarkable

please consider

there is no need to sacrifice the humans to the fait of the grey
for the stuborn behaviour of the both of us.
for we both know this wil be their fait if we do not evolve.
we have seen it, and we have felt it
so please consider this
if they evolve we evolve
and in that we, dinos, can see things from a perspective that we have missed for so long.
and that would be the only way to learn.

for if it is true that we had wiped you out ?
why then would you talk about it ?
you could not.
if it was with in our capability, then how come you breath ?
and concider the chain of nature
have we fed so much ?

*you should know this is mere hearsay
and far beyond your imagination

i have no problem going down in a fight
but i would have a problem with being ignored a fair chance
and don't tell me you have not gotten that from us.

i am what i am
i can not change that
but i can try to cooperate in a mutual benificial solution
can you ?

the dinos are comming back, only to get what they desire
to evolve
and would they feast ?
only if we let them
do they deserve to live ?
yes. just like you
so will you let them pass ?
and find a solution ?
for we all should evolve, and show our better sides.
cause to be honnest
the recent thing i saw
was all but evolved
we should find peace
but would you allow it to happen ?

all the dinos that died returned in humans....
think about it,
this would mean that dino spirit would evolve
now the question is, would you let the body evolve ?
this is most and very important
because then there would be a chance to end the fights.
cause we all know it is not the bully part, it is the unequal playing field

i ask to think about it.
please consider this.
23 dec 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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