the good the bad and the ugly

so why do you think the governments would not do such things ?
why would you think they will tell you the truth ?
what drugs are you on any way ?

if the governments can not even give a good scientific study proofing
that terrorists actually did plan and carried out 911 without any help from the outside.
give any proof of the involvement of OBL that would meet scientific scrutany
or if you would read any thing the governments have put out,
give conclusive proof of their theories..
cause it is nothing but theories, most evidence for any terror we have recieved in the west
has been denied to the public or destroyed, there is no real evidence shown any where..
only the suggestions and speculations, but no hard evidence that would stand to science.
or even the court of law.

on these speculations a war in afghanistan is waged, victimizing the civilians there, and not in any way
helping to rid the world of terror, if it did excist.
(still no proof of that up to this day that would be and can be called scientific.)
a war in Irak is going on, that has led to more bloodshed than the last years of saddams reign.
btw, the operation was called, "operation Iraqi Liberation, in short, O.I.L., which is not a real good cover...
and further more any claims of A.Q. helping saddam should have to be proven cause for the last info prior to 911, A.Q. and OBL were fighting saddam...

the lack of independent thinking on the side of the population has brought slaughter and pain to millions of people, and no one seems to really care.
most of you believe the shit the governments are giving to you, and you eat it like it is the best there is,
so afraid of the "terror" that has not even been scientificly proven, no to you guys the world is flat,
you believe that you are right, because you were born here in the west, privalidged.
and those on the flipside, well, they pay in blood and lives for our comfort and lies.

look at the news,
again a plot has been foild to bomb the metro and underground systems, yet no proof is given,
no way for the public to do research on the validity of those claims.

they can call out every year and say, well in the past year we have prevented this and that, but no evidence what so ever that would stand its own in court is given for us to examin.
we have been living for 7 years in lies and suggestions, but untill this day there has not been any
hard evidence, no proof of any of the claims made, that would justify wars overseas and the killing of our civil rights.

if you did do your searches, if you did ask any questions, you would find that what is out there is strong proof
proof that shows we are being lied to,
proof of the fact that we are sending our troops to foreign countries that have nothing to do with the 911
we are victimizing people and countries that have no say nor part in our fears,
and you call yourself good ?
you should be ashamed, you should and i say this whole heartedly,
you should consider to commit suicide, Yes, kill yourself if you believe your governments without questioning,
cause you have nothing good in you.
no you have no piece within you that you can consider good, you are just a waste of life
a drain on natural resources and sociaty.
and remember, one can always question, one can always think, but refusing to do so
is to kill those that have more right to excistance than you !

you think this is harsh ?
this is mild, compared to the slaughters in Iraq and Afghanistan.
this is mild in the face of those who die for your fading freedoms.
cause they fight for your freedoms, while you waste them because you do not question and face your governments.

is this a call for suicide ?
no, it is a call for all of you to pick up your brains and use them for once,
cause not using them is suicide.
and that is what most of you do right now.

your government is lying, poisoning you with hate and fear.
you should think and question, be yourselfs for once,
don't be that ignorent consumer.
you have a choice, make one.
you have a voice, use it.
26 jan 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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sui, man, 47 jaar
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