"Universum - Mortuus Machina review"

Bloody HELL!!!!!

For almost 6 months I have been waiting in anticipation for this album.
All the released videos of the recording were put on you-tube to tease all the fans.

Christian Älvestam (also known from Solution .45 and former part of Scar Symmetry) was going to be a part of this album, making it even more interesting! At least, that is what I have been thinking for half a year!

When the album finally came out, I just had to download it right away to listen! Don't get me wrong: When I think an album is really good, I run to the shops and buy an original (I have 200+ legal albums) but instead of going to listen to the music in a store, I prefer listening it from behind my computer first..

The album its self.. The first number sounded okay, I thought they had finally figured that the Lead vocalist (don't know his name and don't want to either) should be released from the band... Unfortunately, there was one other song involving Christian, bringing a bit of "melodic" influences in the music.. The rest of the album was nothing but a destruction of the guitars and a lot of babbling grunts I simply couldn't follow..

This was the biggest disappointment of all new album release of this entire year. Especially when you see the art work of the album.. It is just so promising...

Way to go Universum.. For me.. You are now officially scrapped from the "follow developments" list....


One of the two songs I actually did like:

30 dec 2010 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Krueger, man, 124 jaar
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