Verveling heerst en niks bijzonders te melden, dus dan maar een lijstje:
1. Sleep with or without clothes on? pyama's
2. Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
3. Dress up on Halloween? Its funny to look at but I don't dress up myself on Halloween
4. Like to travel? Hell yeahhh!!!!
5. Like someone? Jup
6. Do they know? Yes
7. Who sleeps with you every night? Uhm, just me
8. Think you're attractive? No!
9. Want to get married? Not necessarily
10. To? -
11. Are you a good student? Mehh, it depends
12. Talking to anyone? Nope
13. Have you ever cheated? On a test? Yup and I got caught. Yes, even ''esta!'' has ever cheated on a test.
14. Birthplace? LL
15. Christmas or Halloween? Christmas definetly
16. Colored or black-and-white photo? Black-white, it has something
17. Do long distance relationships work? In some cases they do

18. Do you believe in astrology? Mehh, not really
20. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? Sometimes
22. Do you drink? Alcoholic? Sometimes when I go out
23. Do you make fun of people? Not often
24. Do you think dreams eventually come true? Sometimes
25. Favorite fictional character? That's easy, Bridget Jones!!
26. Go to the movies or rent? Go to the movies
27. Have you ever moved? Nope
28. Have you ever stolen anything? When I was little probably something like a lollypop

29. How's the weather right now? Its great.
30. Hug or kiss? Both
31. Last person you talked to on the phone? My sister
32. Last time you showered? about an hour ago
33.Loud or Soft music? it depends
34. McDonalds or Burger King? Mc Donalds
35. Night or day? I'm a real nightperson.
36. Number of Pillows? 1
37. Piano or guitar? Piano
38. Future job? Journalist or documentarymaker
39. Current job? Supermarket
40. Current love? Bugles and chocolate
41. Current longing? Wanna sleep
42. Current disappointment? A row with my mom
43. Current annoyance? My parents
44. Last thing you ate? Bugles

45. Last thing you bought? Bugles

46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Sleep
47. What are you hearing right now? The sound of eating bugles and the soft sound of my laptop
48. Plans for this weekend? Hehe, doing stuff for school
49. What did you do today? Celebrated mothersday, took a shower etc.
50. Pick a lyric, any lyric.: Does it ever get any better or will I feel this way the rest of my life
En ik ga zo maar es mijn bed opzoeken, welterusten alvast MD!