waking to a new

so i woke up, after a night of sex and other strange dreams.

for those who know me, sexual dreams are not my thing.... so go figure....

the first thing to mind was that i woke up in a frightning world
and that we were fucked beyond believe.
this was the meaning of the sex....
we live in a world where we tend to believe that the people have the power through democracy
this is what they tell us and this is how we precieve the world around us.
and yes that would be true.
IF democratic rule was effective.
most european country men were against the EURO
we still got it so democratic majority rule did not work here,
we have the new workings of a statute or redesigned euro constitution
and most people want a referendum or atleast wanna know in full detail what the consequences are
we had a referendum here and voted against, now they reworked it and we don't have the specifics
cause they are not news worthy and we don't get a referendum
but we do get a new euro book of rules.
this is democracy ?

we have been sold out
and i woke up this morning realizing one thing
there is a line to draw.

what is the line between peacefull resistance and armed resistance ?
for me the line has always been self preservation on the spot.
or when my fysical being is attacked i have the right to defend it.
but in this case things are going a stray a bit.
we are being herded like sheep into a path of no return
all llooks legit and fair, but once we are there, there is no turning back nor complaint
you complain, you get fucked, this is already the case for some
but then this will be the case for all !

so where is the line,
when we all are enslaved ?
or when we all are doomed ?
and even then the majority would not accept resistance or even armed resistance because they are blind.

most political actions done in the world have been done with a purpose.
and this purpose is total controle
this interms is in effact a police state
majority rule, but the majority of those in power.

we are being taxed to death.
we are inflating our money and worth
who benefits ?
who ever benefits from that ?
the state and the banks
you think the take over of the ABN is just a bank ?
fuck it
it is the working towards a monopoly.
it did not matter if or what bank got the ABN
it is just carving up the cake.

we are being criminalized at THIS moment
every where you go they know who is where and what they are doing.
you got a cell phone ?
yes you do.
do you know TRIANGULATION ?
it is the method of finding a spot that has links with to static spots.
all cell phone transmitters send and recieve data even while you do not use the cell phone.
this data is tracked and logged.
this data includes the grid coordinates of the cell phone broadcast transmitters (those poles up ont buildings)
you walk by a stereo speaker and hear your phone make a noise over the speaker, but it does not ring ?
that is you transmitting to the polls saying, "Hi i am here"
this is usual and nothing wrong, cause you need to keep taps with the poles cause you want to be able to recieve calls.
But this data is being stored and if need be tracked.
this data includes and or contains most of your private data
even social security numbers etc can be derived from this.
that was done by a law we passed a few years ago, a law that allowed for agencies to share and pass on information, whether relevant or not.

in the new day of terror, which came convenient to those in power.....
every one is a suspect.
we had volkert and mohammed and samir the hofstad group, and some nazies.
all walks of life and they could all be normal people, so now all normal people are being seen as potential targets.
we are all suspects when it comes to terrorist activities.
and the tools to get us are already out there.
and being used against suspects.
face and numberplate recognition we get it,
chiped cars and other motor vehicles ? we have it .
shared information infrastructure ?
it is already being used.

and if you don't fucking know
you are the victim.

all terror BS is a lie
all talk of peace and stability and social security
it does not benefit us, it targets us

so where is the fine line to draw
cause i can see one thing
it won't be long before it is too far gone for us to resist

wake the FUCK UP
you are being dumbed down in your schools and knowledge
you are being trained and forced into a new world order
a police state that covers the fucking world
and in the end, only the filthy rich will be free
and don't even think you can get to that point
and that you may have a chance
cause it is all friendly politics
you get freedom on invite
it is not a basic right for every one
it is a privelidge you get on invite
and the rest can rot in hell !
know this is what is going on NOW
this is REAL !
07 okt 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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