waking up to reality

in this world and society i am allowed to defend myself with equal means
yet i am not freely allowed to prepare for the extremities and have equal means.

i live in a world where "freedom" is being able to chose what they offer and dissent is to chose that which is not offered.

nothing in this world is what it seems,
the opiate of the people is now money, where it once was religion
god is with us on our currencies yet god did not create money,
many chose to kill for money, but hate to be killed for money, and find it worse to be killed for freedom.

money and freedom are noted as the same, for with money you can buy your freedom.
though still bound to that what they offer not what is.

i live in a world that reflects the maslov pyramid and is topped by the all seeing eye.
where self exploration is cut from the top only for those few elite who control

i should substantiate this for the weak readers,

maslov made a pyramid reflection of society,
base made up of primairy needs
second layer secondairy needs
third layer comfort
fourth layer luxury
fifth layer is the top and called self exploration.

the all seeing eye symbol is a pyramid with the top separated by a floating eye
we can see that floating eye as CCTV if you will or wish, but it is government.
the self exploration is separated because when you can explore the self you are able to see truth
the eye in the pyramid can also resemble the truth given by government.

examples of this in working is the education system,
when you oppose the teachings you are denied, resulting in low grades and thus unable to pass
this will limit your chances to climb the ladder of society and the pyramid of maslov.

another is TV programming,
look at the TV and tell me it ain't a reflection of the pyramid ?
porn, food, projected fantasies, exemplary lifestyle.
nothing there that actually gives you tools to develop self exploration.

but you don't have to take my word for it.
you should explore the world on your own.
not that you will, because you trust in the laws and obey them ....

an other frightening example is seen in health care
there is a motto there to prevent stress upon workers,
"we chose not to care"
this is to be like a barrier of personal involvement which on it self is not bad,
yet this is institutionalized and abused in the excuse not to know what care to give.
one can see examples in the vaccination programs and drug administration
health care people barely know the facts of the prescriptions.
they know not what really is in the vaccinations nor what drugs are made up of.
they chose to turn a blind eye.

this is also the case in psychology where there is a need for half solutions not real solutions
otherwise they would work them selfs out of a job.

on disturbing instance is the youth criminality department which know the origin of social failure
yet cares not to point out the issue to politics because they would have to change all structures.
and psychologists say that it is not their task to alarm the politicians of structural failures.

this is true, believe it or not, but i know from fact and self exploration that it is true, having talked
and discussed this all with people in the field.
you can all call it BS and believe your comfortable slave lives, but all you do is enslaving the rest who want freedom.

this is set up by the ruling elites,
and for those who doubt it, your denial is just that, denial, for accepting the truth has got the consequence that you have to act !
denial is selfish and self destructing, not just that but you chose to drag every one in to your fall and make them suffer.

in all this i can say i have the right to defend myself,
you drag me in to slavery and death, so tell me, what are equal means ?
cause i think just killing the lot of you quickly is less than equal because you make me suffer
and i would give you the comfort of not having to suffer.
but as it is written in contradictionairy laws i have the right to defend myself with equal means but i am not entitled to have equal means.
and as pointed out, lesser means are also not permitted.

how then can you call this freedom ?

i should play god and kill the lot of you just for the ones that are denied freedom and life by your selfish behavior.

when government and health care slow kill us with vaccination programs and codex alimentarius
you can hardly say there is freedom.
when bottled water has got added fluoride in it, and still has a label of healthy food as prescribed by government and health care
you know they are killing your abilities to explore the self.

you tell me ?
why do i bother with being civil ?
22 okt 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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