what would you do if your best friend..
what would you do if your best friend went be hind your back and started seeing a guy you dated and lied about it? and it not being the first?
one of my best friends is dateing my ex and has been for almost 3 months i try to act like i dont care but she had promised me that she wouldn't do this to me.
not only am i mad that she lied to me and this is the second guy shes dated that i have already gone out with but the fact that she would even do somthing like this to me is unbelievable and i just dont know what to say to her.
i have tried to talk to her several times but it like totaly back fired -____- shes my best friend so am i sapose to just let it go or should i just do something about it i am so confuised i hate it..
not only is she dating him but she has changed to, and im not the only one who has noticed it. all over our friends have to, she has lost contact with all of us she never hangs out with me any more and she use to spend every weekend at my house and now we hardly see each other in the hall ways. she ignores every one and only walks with her bf and his best friend.. its really sad.. and i want my best friend back!
what do you think i should do PLEASE help me i need answers comment
foxgirl11, vrouw, 28 jaar
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