I really hate my cousin

Hate a strong word but ugh... she pisses me off...

ever since she was young my grandma always made an excuse for her when she did something wrong and that excuse was "she special in the head"
If she got into a fight "she special in the head" if she failed her test and got bad grades "special in the head" she didnt clean her room or she was to lazy to do something "she special in the head" So... that was the excuse and it got to my cousin so much she act Stupid purposely for attention.
she uses the system, she gets money for it she takes it for granted with no regrets its all easy money to her and cause of that she doesnt want to work she wants a boyfriend/husband to maintain her, she doesnt clean she lays in bed all day long and watches tv and eats and she fat to! not that anything wrong with fat cause im a bit chubby myself but at least I dont wear super tight jeans and tight clothes to show the lumps on my stomach I wear baggy clothes or long shirts or something cause I know its not a pretty sight. but she thinks she looks sexy and she wears these nasty make up its short dresses its ugh... she a disgrace towards women she make women look like lazy sluts

She a liar, when she was in high school she made a lie saying she pregnant with babies so her boyfriend could stay with her, but couldnt get pregnant cause she never had a period and she still doesnt and she doesnt wanna go to the doctor cause she thinks her body to perfect for medical stuff.
so makes lies up saying she pregnant but she isnt, then she wants attention by saying she had new born twins and wants to throw a party in my grandma house. it never happen cause people knew she was lying, why would lie saying new born twins then throw a party next day with loud music and beer. people didnt buy it so they never came.
she also lied saying she never stole anything but she has... she stole my mom underwear to wear cause she this their sexy and she needs good underwear, she stole my favorite shirt and stretched it. She stole my aunts wedding ring, she stole my games and sold them, she stole my mom ipod, she stole money from my grandma she stole money from me and my mom, she stole a lot.

she flirts with every guy she see's she always on the phone she get jealous fast and she talks loud and like a kid so we could hear her saying things like "OPPSY I SPILLED MY WATER!" or "OMG I DIDNT DO IT HAHAHA" when someone comes in the door. she would give it this childish tone.
also she doesnt clean I clean up everything! I wash the dishes, I sweep, I vacume, I mop, I clean up she in our grandma room watching tv and eating laughing out loud and when my grandma comes home from work she takes the credit gets mad at me saying i dont do nothing. and when i dont clean she like "why dont you clean up?!" so either way I loose.
one day Crystal asked me "how do you pay for college" and I said "Fasfa" and she said "oh i heard of that you gotta teach me how cause I need money, plus if i say im special ed they'll give me more!" and i told her i cant cause i dont know the website ya know making up lies

and then she gets a puppy thinking she can take care of it with her new rich boyfriend who a chubby chaser. But in the end he dumps her cause she demanding she uses all his money she wants to get married and let him pamper her and work for her and she can stay home do nothing and he didnt like that so he left her and she was stuck with a dog and she couldnt take care of it so went out on the street and gave to some lady she doesnt know with three kids who looked like trouble makers and let them have it and now im like "why... poor dog gonna suffer more" and she said "oh well its off my hands"

she doesnt care about anything but herself its annoying... i just wanna slap her... and tell her to shut up get a job or move out. but i cant she under my grandma wing... but ugggh....
29 jan 2013 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Littleaxy
Littleaxy, vrouw, 31 jaar
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