old & new mydipsychedelics

brein is
net zoiets als
een kruising tussen bibliotheek,
museum, laboratorium, opslagruimte & hemel!
Je kunt er allerlei ervaringen en wetenswaardigheden in opslaan,
die bewerken, bewaren & 'verenigen'
tot EEN geheel van persoonlijke ervaringen
die beschrijven waar het allemaal om draait
en hoe het eigenlijk allemaal

since I've been
talking and writing in English
for the past forty years I might as well continue to do so:
usually I switch from Dutch to English without thinking out of sheer habit and relaxation.
Maybe it is also caused by the use of psychedelics, lots of ruins in hot countries
and being with people that used to be called hippies,
beatniks, tramps
and so

very wide
variety of personal
accounts of experiences
induced by Indian hemp can be gathered
from writers of different cultural traditions and historical periods
that have left all kinds of descriptions of these herbs, mushrooms, vines and concoctions.
I wouldn't advise any young kid to use these socalled mind-altering drugs and combinations:
it doesn't work very well with growing brains,
tender periods, schools and jobs
that demand concentration,
dedication and

many diverse
points of view
which find expression in 'myDiaries'
could and should also help to bring this subject
into its proper historical & existential

Indian hemp
has many names
in different times and places,
which might cause some confusion.
The two most common names used to be
'marihuana {from the Spanish "Maria Juana"}
and the Arabic

Marihuana is simply
the dried flowers of the female plants,
also called weed & grass.

Hashish is the resin
with wich these female flowering seeds are coated,
coming off in the form of a golden powder
when the plants are

It is then heated
and pressed into blocks, which darkens the colour ...
In both modern Amercan slang and classical Arabic,
the term for hemp is 'grass'.

Originally it comes from the Himalayas
and is also related to hops: in a way you could say
that beer and weed used to be the poor man's {diet} drugs in the past:
humulus to improve taste and preservation of beer
and cannabis sativa as easy way to relax
hardworking people of low income
by calming down, light euforia,
better appetite and changes
in time~perception.

Even though by now
the use of marihuana is as widespread and easy as beer & wine,
this subject is still enshrouded by ignorance.

Saviours as well as pirates
must have been using these easily available cheap drugs
for many thousands of years all over the world.

Depending on its use
in a very wide and different variety of people
it might as well and easily result in softness as in cruelty,
in peace as in war and all imaginable associations
and practices aroused
by it.

I hope
that my 'mydistories'
about religion and rapture
can and will dispel at least some of the misconceptions
about these plant in particular and philosophy in general
as no practical solution to 'the problem' is possible
until the real facts are

In presenting these
facts and associated realities about Yehoshua haNatsri
{aka the Messiah} and Indian hemp as objectively as I can,
I hope to break the taboo which surrounds these subjects
in our worldcivilization at
the present time!

has been used freely
by a large proportion of the world's population since prehistoric times ...
And it was not prohibited by international agreement until the 1930's.
It has been after all a quite strange and significant feature of religious rites
among the ancient Hindus, Scythians, Iranians,
and also even American Indians.

and Solomon sang of it.
The Thousand and One Nights

are saturated with the odour of hashish.
The story of the Assassins {"Hashishin"} shows
what can happen when it is used in a destructive way.
Among the most well~known users of it in a creative way
are a group of nineteenth~century French writers:
Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Nerval and Gautier,
for whom this drug was to reveal completely
new dimensions of consciousness,
which are reflected in their
very dazzling

who was Baudelaire's doctor,
once said:
"Each one
who takes hashish
has the dream
that he

05 apr 2007 - bewerkt op 05 apr 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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