Een lijstje.

1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?
In tegen deel zelfs.

2. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with?

3. What is irritating you right now?
Mijn broervrolijk

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
2 wekeng geleden alweer?

5. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Danielle, zodat ik niet uitgleed vandaag.

6. Do you have any famous friends?
Nee niet dat ik weet teminste.

8. Last words you said?

9. Have you ever kissed anyone named Tom?
Komt nog wel knipoog

10. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room?
Mijn foto lijstjes.

11. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
Nee, wil wel een tattoo.

12. Who is in the room with you?
De hond.

13. What are you wearing on your feet?

14. What is/are your favorite pair of shoes?
Oeeh.. mijn laars hakken geen idee welk merk, en mijn K-Swiss gymen.

15. Who was the last person (not including family) you told you loved them?

16. What was the last thing you ate?
Boterham met hagelslag.

17. What were you doing before this?
Tv kijken.

18. What's the closest item near you that is white?

19. What instant messaging service do you use?
Windows live messenger.

21. What's the most abnormal thing you've done in the past 4 days?
Ehm.. Mijn mobiel vol gelakt met nagellak?

22. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
Deze tijd van het jaar meer broeken.

23. What is the last movie you watched in theater?
Harry Potter And The Dead Hellow ofzo?

24. What do you currently hear right now?
De tv.

26. When did you last take a picture with someone?
Vanochtend, met Puck in de auto opweg nar Talent Factory.

27. Where's your favorite place to be?
Thuis, Het meer in DD vrolijk

28 Where did you sleep last night?
In mijn bedje.

29. When was the last time you left your town?
Net, ik ging net naar Den Bosch.

30. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?

31. Coach Purse or NFL game tickets?.

32. Where was your default picture taken?
Op school.

33. Why did you pick your background?

37. Missing someone right now?

38. Do you want someone you can't have?

40. Where is your number one person on your friends list?
Mogen het er meer zijn? Dan: Marinthe,Danielle,Rachel,Puck,Sabine&Ines engel Anders: Puck.

41. What's the story behind your display name?
Weet ik veel.

42. Summer or winter?
Zeker zomer.

43. Describe the background on your cell phone?
Ik zelf, met een muts op in de sneeuw.

44. Describe your pillow case:

45. Describe your eyes:

48. Describe what you're wearing:
Ondergoed, broek, sokken, zwarte trui, rood vest, sloffen.

49. Do you like candles?
Jawel hoor.

50. Do you believe in soul mates?
Ligt eraan.

51. Do you sleep naked?

52. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

53. Do you burn easily in the sun?
Nee niet zo, meestal gwn mooi bruintjes.

54. Do you like cocky people?
Ik ben zelf eigenwijs.

55. What's something you wish you could understand better?
Antwoorden op dingen, en redenen.

56. What did you do last weekend?
2 dagen school, 2 dagen ziek, vervelen, wandelen, lachen, naar de film gaan, afspreken met Tom.

57. When was the last time you met someone new?
2 weken geleden op een zaterdag.

59. Are you a good cook?
Ligt eraan wat.

verliefd Juulxd
03 dec 2010 - bewerkt op 03 dec 2010 - meld ongepast verhaal
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