at the ending et cet era and so on up till now


A Jewish friend
of my family's was in the business
of importing equipment
for chicken farmers.

As such,
among his major customers
were certain Orthodox Protestants in B.,
with whom he became very friendly
over a number of years.

At one point,
at a meal,
the wife of his customer
became distraught and began
to cry.

When asked WHY
she was crying,
she answered:
Because M. is such a lovely person,
and he is going to go
to hell!

I have no doubt
that her love for M. was real
- and specific,
not merely abstract love
for ALL human beings -
just as was Paul's for
his Jewish relatives.

it would be hard to claim
that this woman valued M.,
as a Jew,
and this is my point
about Paul.

If the only value
and promise afforded the Jews,
even in Romans 11,
is that in the end
they will see the error of their ways,
one cannot claim
that there is a role
for Jewish existence
in Paul.

It has been transcended
by that which was its spiritual,
allegorical referent always and forever:
faith in Yehoshua haMashiach
and the community of the faithful
in which there



On my reading,
it is totally inappropriate
to think of Paul's thought
as anti-Semitic,
or even as
[except for perhaps
the occasional outbursts of temper and frustration
in 1 Thessalonians 2:14
and Philippians 3].

Paul loves his relatives
according to the flesh,
anguishes over them,
and is convinced that in the end
they will be saved.

This salvation,
is precisely fot those Jews
a bitter gospel
not a sweet one,
because it is conditional
precisely on abandoning that
to which we hold
so dearly,
our separate cultural,
religious identity,
our own fleshy and historical practice,
our existence according to the flesh,
our Law,
our difference.



has simply allegorized
our difference
quite out of


06 jul 2005 - bewerkt op 06 jul 2005 - meld ongepast verhaal
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