Brand alarm, lol!

Zit net op MSN met een vakantie vriendin te praten:

THE KOOKS CONCERT was FAB!!I ItS nOt ThE sIzE oF tHe boAt ItS tHe MoTiOn In ThE OcEaN ich fahr gern in gurkenlaster rein zegt (20:37):
...remember anything i did and apperantly i drank a lot of drinks that i didnt pay for or like for that matter...and then i was talking to everyone and apparntly made out with this good frend of mine and now im scared of talking to him cuz im embarressed cuz i think he remembers everything and wasnt drunk or concussed
Joint zegt (20:3cool!:
THE KOOKS CONCERT was FAB!!I ItS nOt ThE sIzE oF tHe boAt ItS tHe MoTiOn In ThE OcEaN ich fahr gern in gurkenlaster rein zegt (20:3cool!: and im scared of the things i said and did that night cuz my frends were also drunk and dont remember much but half the school was there.... and i know that not all of them or most of them werent drunk!!!!
thers fire alarm!!!
Joint zegt (20:3cool!:
haha damn dude
THE KOOKS CONCERT was FAB!!I ItS nOt ThE sIzE oF tHe boAt ItS tHe MoTiOn In ThE OcEaN ich fahr gern in gurkenlaster rein zegt (20:3cool!:
Joint zegt (20:3cool!:
there is?
get out!
Joint zegt (20:39):
the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!
you are not, right?
otherwiste I would look like a dick typing this..

En nu zegt ze niets meer. Die zal wel aan het rennen zijn.
26 okt 2009 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Joint
Joint, man, 34 jaar
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